Since women tend to say the opposite of what they want to mine that bit of emotion jewelry they think their men has which they don't want to show or share with anyone, but the right one.
I think that's why they try to give advise about what your work. Perhaps, she wants me to give her advise and she can't.
Usually, more true in your culture then ours. A man at this age already met other women and may had relationships with them. If you come different, he will notice eventually. But until then, if he is looking for a long lasting relation, he will play it safe until he sees you as you are not as another woman with weird wiring system in her head.
I always tell my wife to stop trying to act as the typical woman when we discuss or talk to each other. You have your unique way of doing these things and I love it, so don't try what's common. Of course, she would do it from time to time to hear this and smile after that. Then I would say to annoy her and kill the joy: "At the end you really are a woman".